Black Trauma Training

Rev. Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews’ One Sheet
Black Trauma Seminars/Webinars/Workshops & Keynotes

Nothing is Wrong With Black Men…Something Happened to Black Men Webinar Series:

The “Nothing is Wrong With Black Men…Something Happened to Black Men” webinar training series is a powerful and transformative exploration that challenges the pervasive negative stereotypes and misconceptions often associated with Black men. This series delves deep into the historical, social, and psychological factors that have shaped the experiences of Black men, emphasizing that their struggles are not inherent flaws but responses to systemic oppression, trauma, and marginalization.

By reframing the narrative, the series highlights Black men’s extraordinary strengths, resilience, and contributions to society. It showcases their ability to overcome immense adversity and celebrates their role as leaders, innovators, and cultural pillars. The series also provides a platform for Black men to share their stories, fostering understanding and empathy while promoting a more nuanced and compassionate view of their lived experiences.

Through a combination of historical analysis, personal testimonies, and expert insights, “Nothing is Wrong With Black Men…Something Happened to Black Men” debunks harmful myths and empowers Black men by validating their worth and dignity. It serves as a call to action for society to recognize and support the full humanity of Black men, advocating for systemic changes that honor their past, address their present challenges, and pave the way for a future where they can thrive without the burden of unjust stereotypes.

The State of Black Mental Health: The Suicide Protocols of Black Men and Boys

An urgent examination delves into the alarming rise in suicide rates among Black men and boys, exploring the psychological, social, and systemic factors contributing to this crisis. It examines how historical trauma, systemic racism, and modern societal pressures intersect, creating a mental health crisis that is often overlooked. The discussion will emphasize the importance of culturally competent mental health care and community-based interventions in addressing this urgent issue.

God Does Not Make N Words

This powerful webinar delivers a bold critique of racial slurs and their devastating impact on Black identity, particularly focusing on the dehumanizing legacy of the “N-word.” It challenges the destructive narratives imposed on Black people by asserting that God does not create beings defined by derogatory labels. By reclaiming Black dignity and self-worth, the webinar calls for a collective rejection of the internalized racism that continues to haunt the Black community. It advocates for a redefinition of Black identity rooted in divine creation, human dignity, and a deep recognition of inherent worth.

Trinity of Black Trauma: We Are Not Cursed…We Are Interrupted!

This webinar breaks down the “Trinity of Black Trauma,” a concept that explores three interconnected sources of trauma affecting the Black community: historical, intergenerational, and individual. It reframes the collective suffering of Black people not as a curse but as an interruption of their historical and cultural trajectory. By unpacking these sources of trauma, the discussion emphasizes resilience, continuity, and the ongoing liberation struggle, empowering participants to view Black pain through a lens of strength and healing.

Ambiguous Trauma and Loss

This webinar takes a deep dive into the complex and often unrecognized forms of trauma and loss experienced by Black people, highlighting their long-lasting effects on mental health and well-being. By focusing on the often-overlooked aspects of ambiguous trauma, the interactive webinar addresses the unique grief and loss stemming from identity erosion, cultural disconnection, and the perpetual uncertainty of living in a racist society. Dr. Matthews will examine how these intangible wounds profoundly impact mental health and offer insights into recognizing, processing, and healing from them.

The 4 Black Men Traumas Overview

Dr. Matthews provides a comprehensive look at four specific traumas commonly experienced by Black men: epigenetic, decontextualized, secondary, and ghosting trauma. Each trauma is defined and contextualized within the broader framework of Black male experiences, highlighting their origins and impacts. This discussion sets the stage for a deeper exploration of each trauma type, emphasizing the importance of targeted healing approaches tailored to address these unique and pervasive challenges.

Epigenetic/Ancestral Trauma: Impact of the MAAFA

This webinar delves into the concept of epigenetic trauma, focusing on how the horrors of the MAAFA (the Black Holocaust) have imprinted on the DNA of Black descendants. It examines both the scientific and cultural implications of ancestral trauma, exploring how the legacies of slavery, colonization, and systemic oppression continue to shape Black mental and physical health across generations. By analyzing how the trauma of the African Holocaust is passed down through epigenetic inheritance, Dr. Matthews highlights its enduring influence on health and behavior within Black populations, emphasizing the need for understanding and healing these intergenerational wounds.

Decontextualized/Hazy Trauma: You Can’t See What You Are Looking Through

Dr. Matthews explores the concept of decontextualized or hazy trauma—trauma that is difficult to identify or contextualize but profoundly affects perception and decision-making. It focuses on how historical and systemic violence manifests within the Black community in ways that are often unrecognized or misinterpreted. The introduction explains the subtle yet significant impact of this type of trauma, emphasizing the importance of contextualizing Black trauma within its proper historical and cultural framework to facilitate healing and understanding.

Secondary/Vicarious Trauma

An investigation into the phenomenon of trauma experienced by those who witness or hear about traumatic events, particularly relevant to the Black community’s exposure to racial violence and injustice.
This webinar addresses the phenomenon of “Trauma Porn” as an imprint onto the nervous system by way of secondary or vicarious trauma, which occurs when Black individuals turn on their devices and are inundated with the internalization of trauma experienced by others in their community. Through exposure to media, shared stories, or community ties, this trauma can have significant mental health impacts. The discussion will focus on recognizing, managing, and healing from vicarious trauma, emphasizing the importance of communal support and resilience.

Ghosting/Presentiment Trauma

Ghosting trauma refers to the anticipatory grief and anxiety that Black individuals experience due to the persistent threat of violence or loss. This webinar offers a unique perspective on how the constant fear of future harm, particularly driven by systemic racism, shapes daily life and mental health within the Black community. The discussion explores the ever-present nature of this trauma and examines strategies for coping with and overcoming the pervasive sense of dread that it generates.

The Original Name of God: Amma

This webinar is a thought-provoking investigation into ancient African spirituality. It explores the spiritual roots of the name “Amma ” and traces its origins and significance within African cosmology. “Amma is revered as the original name of God in various African traditions, symbolizing a divine force that predates colonization and Western religious impositions. This webinar aims to reclaim and celebrate African spirituality, offering a path to healing ancestral trauma through reconnecting with ancestral wisdom and understanding God from an Afrocentric perspective.

Black Men Heal: The Psychosis of Mental Health

This critical analysis webinar examines the mental health industry’s approach to treating Black men, challenging conventional wisdom and highlighting the shortcomings of traditional methods. Focusing on the concept of psychosis within the context of Black men’s mental health, the webinar explores how extreme stress, trauma, and systemic oppression contribute to mental health crises. It underscores the importance of culturally sensitive care, community support, and holistic healing practices in effectively addressing the unique mental health challenges faced by Black men, advocating for approaches that are deeply rooted in cultural relevance and understanding.

AI Over AI: African/Amma (God) Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence

This thought-provoking webinar presents a comparative study of traditional African wisdom and modern artificial intelligence, contrasting African spiritual intelligence—rooted in the wisdom of Amma (God)—with contemporary AI. It explores how integrating African cosmology and spirituality into technology and AI development can address issues within the Black community. The discussion advocates for a future where technological advancements are guided by ancestral wisdom and cultural values, rather than being driven solely by Western paradigms, envisioning a harmonious blend of ancient knowledge and modern innovation. Using LLMs (Large Language Models) To Heal Black Trauma

This sister webinar to “AI Over AI: African/Amma (God) Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence” introduces, a revolutionary platform that leverages advanced AI language models to provide culturally sensitive support for healing Black trauma. By blending cutting-edge technology with deep cultural insights, offers tailored resources, education, and support designed to address the unique mental health needs of the Black community. This innovative approach aims to foster healing, empowerment, and resilience, bridging the gap between modern AI and the rich cultural heritage of African wisdom.

Neuroplasticity: How The Brain Can Heal The Trauma Body (Vegus Nervous System)

Focusing on the science of neuroplasticity, this webinar explores the brain’s remarkable ability to rewire itself, offering hope for healing trauma. It specifically examines the role of the vagus nerve in regulating stress and emotional responses, highlighting how understanding and leveraging this part of the nervous system can facilitate trauma recovery. The discussion provides practical insights into techniques and practices that can harness neuroplasticity to heal the trauma body, empowering Black individuals to use this knowledge for enhanced mental and physical well-being.

Booking Info:

To book Rev. Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews to conduct a Nothing Is Wrong With Black People (Men) virtual or in-person workshop/keynote/webinar, email:

About Rev. Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews

Heralded as the “Oprah of Internet,” by Chicken Soup for the Soul Co-Author Mark Victor Hansen (, Rev. Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews is a Research Scientist in Africana Phenomenology ( residing in Sacramento, California. He is renowned for his work in the Digital Divide (Artificial Intelligence), Black Trauma, and Black Mental Health space as a GPT developer ( and Prompt Engineer.

He is a trauma-informed Metaphysical Minister specializing in the diaspora, emphasizing the philosophy that “Nothing is wrong with Black People; Something Happened to Black People!” 

His featured EP, Nothing Is Wrong With Black People…Something Happened to Black People by The Metaphysical Morpheus is now available on Spotify, ITUNES & APPLE MUSIC, AMAZON MUSIC, and IHEARTRADIO] ♫

Dr. Matthews is one of the founding members of the Black AI Consortium, which was created to be a transformative force in leveraging AI technology to empower the global African diaspora and foster innovation and advancement in economic, social, and educational realms. We envision a future where the potential of AI is harnessed to uplift and unify people of African descent, driving positive change and building a more equitable world.

Dr. Matthews earned his Doctorate in Metaphysical Science and Philosophy from the University of Metaphysics, Sedona. He is also the Founding Minister of 1st Frequency of Oneness, Science, Manifestation, and Prosperity @

SHOCK represents his research process: Seeking Higher Omnipotent Conscious / Cosmic Knowledge.
Lastly, he has authored over 30 books, special reports, and academic papers featured on (