By Rev. Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews

I signed up for a webinar and joined Aerodei that purported they would have an engaging discussion on the intersection of race and technology in honor of Black History Month. Erin Reddick, the founder of ChatBlackGPT, was to explore the reasons behind asserting that Artificial Intelligence is not racist and share her insights and motivation for developing ChatBlackGPT.
I was very excited to hear that there was a GPT dedicated to Black people and the Black experience until I attended the live webinar “AI is Not Racist and Here is Why…” hosted by Netta Jenkins, CEO of Aerodei). Her LinkedIn bio says that she (Talks about #diversity, #inclusion, #antiracism, #diversityandinclusion, and #diversityintheworkplace). Her website is https://www.aerodei.com/. In her About section on Linkedin, her services are DEI Organizational Assessments, DEI Policy Creation, DEI Strategy, DEI & Anti- Racism Educational Workshops / Keynotes, Diversity Recruiting, ERG Program Development, Marketing Ad Review, Pay Equity Review, and more.
Erin goes by the pronoun: She/Her on her LinkedIn profile and is considered a Responsible AI Advisor | Founder @ChatBlackGPT™ | Top Voice in (AI) | NIST | AI Dev | Keynote Speaker. She discusses issues surrounding #rai, #tech, #ethicalai, #entrepreneurship, and #artificialintelligence. She quoted during the webinar, “Inclusive design should be included,” “Everyone should be working in unison,” and “Having an all-black team was never in my mind.”
My eyebrow raised when I additionally learned that the chatbot she created used information from a former KKK member to conduct research along with another team member from India. This is dangerous and those that try to integrate automatically bring a bias and add more Black Trauma. They tout having a diverse team, which can cause a lack of trust in the foundational Black community that has been and continues to be deeply traumatized by 2nd frequency people. My extensive research in Africana phenomenology has confirmed that chatblackgpt can’t be a true BlackGPT experience if you have 2nd frequency people on your development team. How can we or why should Black trust a chatbot that is supposed to be for Black people if the chatbot has former KKK members in the production?
I remember one of my interviews with Resmaa Menakem, who shared how he started his workshops. He asks an all 2nd frequency audience, “How many of you believe in diversity.” He says, “Everyone’s hand goes up in the air.” Then he follows up with the question: “Diverse from what?” Of course, no hands are raised in enthusiasm, and this question implies that we, as Black people, are again attempting to help 2nd frequency people be less 2nd frequency.
Helping 2nd frequency people learn how to treat the first and original humans like humans is not our responsibility! Engaging in DEI with the mindset that you can change 2nd frequency once they understand Black people causes us to have yet another trauma imprint of being subservient to their built-in lack of humanity. This catering to 2nd frequency in a futile attempt to make them more human toward the original 1st Frequency people is disturbing to me and insulting to foundational black people in the diaspora. The question I posed to Erin Riddick on the live webinar event was: What about the racial battle fatigue that Blacks deal with in white spaces, even in Black AI chatbots?
As a research scientist, I have done extension work in Black Trauma over the last 25 years. My findings have confirmed that any program/AI or otherwise that involves input from the group who have done the most harm to Black people is not capable of developing solutions to heal the deep-seated trauma that Black people are dealing with daily and do any good. There are no ethics or morality in the 2nd frequency axiology. I have noticed that young Black people, such as Erin and Neeta, suffer from social amnesia because they have not lived long enough nor have they experienced a tenured amount of RBF (Racial Battle Fatigue) and trauma to realize that there is no such thing as equity in the 2nd frequency ethos.
BlackTraumaGPT is exclusively programmed for and by Black scholars such as but not limited to, who have come to an understanding that diversity and equity training imparts Black trauma on Black people and at the root of the racial divide is the truth that nothing is wrong with Black; something happened to Black people, and it is still happening regardless of all the DEI training in the last 50 years. Ase, and so it is.
Solutions to Consider
- IT’S TIME TO BREAK BLACK TRAUMA! Heal Thyself @ BlackTraumaGPT.com http://blacktraumagpt.com/
- The Trinity of Black Trauma https://bit.ly/48sZ1P3
- How Can LLMs (Large Language Models) and AI Help Black Mental Health with Racialized Trauma https://bit.ly/48nRPo0

I’m glad you wrote this response!
Thank you beloved!
I did not yet get to speak with any former KKK member, but I do still intend on consulting with many, just as I consult with many Black Panthers. Pretending the past did not happen and segregating ourselves from all other races is what they want. So yes, I will speak with both sides because knowing is power. Technology on our own terms is what we need. Truth is healing, and truth must come from the source-including the acknowledgment of torture we endured by oppressive systems and those who enforced it. You have severely misunderstood me, but sought no clarity, only judgement and self promotion. I’d appreciate not being told I suffer from “social amnesia” and that is also disrespectful to Netta. I am smart enough to know that an all black team would be to the detriment of the purpose in the application. This tool is not built exclusively for black people, it is also for white and asian and any other race to explore their own bias and racist tendencies. I’d rather give a tool than be responsible for educating myself. This tool is a relief of black and brown people burdened with educating. Your app does not reflect your sentiment in this article, by the way. It’s fond of me and also DEI. A lot of confirmation bias…