The Book Whites Don’t Want Blacks to Read!

birth dearth

By Rev. Dr. Philippe SHOCK Matthews
(Black Trauma and Mental Health Specialist | Prompt Eng | GPT Dev | Research Scientist | Africana Phenomenologist)

Unveiling The Birth Dearth: A Deep Dive into Demographic Trends That Produce Black Trauma

The Birth Dearth by Ben J. Wattenberg is a well-researched book that offers detailed insights into demographic trends and provides thought-provoking arguments and perspectives on population decline.

The Impact of Demographic Trends on Society

Ben J. Wattenberg’s book, “The Birth Dearth,” offers a detailed analysis of the demographic trends shaping societies worldwide. Wattenberg delves into the implications of declining birth rates on various aspects of society, including the economy, healthcare, and social structures. For instance, he discusses how a shrinking population can lead to labor shortages, impacting economic growth and productivity. By providing concrete examples and statistical data, Wattenberg paints a vivid picture of the potential consequences of the birth dearth phenomenon.

Moreover, Wattenberg’s book explores the relationship between declining birth rates and the changing dynamics of family structures. He examines how smaller family sizes can influence social norms, caregiving responsibilities, and intergenerational relationships. Wattenberg argues that these shifts in family dynamics can have far-reaching effects on the well-being of individuals and communities. For example, he highlights how declining birth rates may lead to an increased demand for elder care services, challenging traditional family support systems. Through his in-depth analysis, Wattenberg prompts readers to reflect on the societal implications of the birth dearth and the need for proactive measures to address these challenges.

The Relevance of “The Birth Dearth” in Today’s Context

Despite being published in 1987, “The Birth Dearth” remains a relevant and thought-provoking read in today’s context. Wattenberg’s insights into demographic trends and population decline continue to hold significance as countries grapple with aging populations and declining fertility rates. His projections and analyses offer valuable perspectives on the long-term consequences of demographic shifts, serving as a foundation for ongoing discussions on public policy, healthcare, and social welfare systems. By revisiting Wattenberg’s work, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the persistent challenges posed by the birth dearth and the urgency of developing sustainable solutions to mitigate its effects.

Planned Parenthood is exactly what the Birth Dearth is about. 60% of the fetuses according to Ben Whattenburg, that are being aborted in this country every year are white and he says, “If we could just keep that 60% alive that would take care of our birth dearth.” In my interview with Jane Elliot, she says “That is what the right to life group is all about. More white babies being born. I am totally opposed to that. It is about population control and we are going to have more white babies and fewer children of color. This is a crime against humanity and it is sin. You cannot do this.”


“The Birth Dearth” by Ben J. Wattenberg, published by Pharos Books on January 1, 1987, has been a pivotal publication shedding light on the global phenomenon of declining birth rates. The book not only explores the causes and consequences of this demographic trend but also offers thought-provoking insights into its societal impacts. Wattenberg’s analysis goes beyond mere statistics, providing readers with a deep understanding of the complex interplay between population dynamics and various social, economic, and political factors.

In “The Birth Dearth,” Wattenberg presents a compelling argument supported by historical data and expert opinions to illustrate the gravity of the declining birth rates worldwide. For instance, he examines case studies from countries like Japan, Italy, and Germany, known for their rapidly aging populations and low birth rates, to demonstrate the real-world implications of demographic shifts. By offering a nuanced perspective on this critical issue, the book challenges readers to rethink conventional wisdom surrounding population growth and its role in shaping the future of societies globally.

Price and Availability

“The Birth Dearth” by Ben J. Wattenberg is priced at $598.97, positioning it as a premium product in the realm of demographic studies. The book is available for purchase on Amazon, making it accessible to a wide audience interested in the subject matter. However, the availability of the book might be restricted in some regions or physical stores, potentially limiting the ease of access for certain readers.

Moreover, the high price of the book could be a factor that dissuades some individuals from investing in it, especially considering the niche topic it covers. This may pose a challenge for students, researchers, or general readers who wish to delve into the intricate details of population trends and the implications of declining birth rates. Despite its importance in the field, the cost might be a barrier for those who are more budget-conscious but still keen on understanding the complexities of demographic shifts and their societal impacts.


This hardcover edition spans 182 pages, providing readers with a detailed analysis of the challenges posed by delayed childbearing and the increased use of birth control methods. The book’s content offers valuable insights into the factors contributing to the birth dearth phenomenon and prompts readers to contemplate the far-reaching consequences of demographic shifts.

Moreover, the book delves into historical contexts and global perspectives on declining birth rates, offering a comprehensive view of the issue. For instance, Wattenberg explores how cultural norms, economic factors, and societal changes impact fertility rates in different regions around the world. By examining case studies from various countries, the book illustrates the diverse range of factors influencing population growth and decline.

Furthermore, “The Birth Dearth” not only analyzes the implications of population decline but also proposes potential solutions to address this pressing issue. Through a combination of statistical data and qualitative research, Wattenberg presents a compelling argument for policymakers and individuals to reconsider family planning strategies and support pro-natal policies. By outlining actionable recommendations based on empirical evidence, the book aims to stimulate meaningful discussions and inspire proactive measures to mitigate the consequences of declining birth rates on society.

Customer Ratings

With an average rating of 3.9 out of 5 based on 40 reviews, “The Birth Dearth” has garnered attention and sparked discussions among readers interested in understanding the complexities of population decline. The book’s thought-provoking arguments and well-researched perspectives have resonated with individuals seeking to delve deeper into the implications of declining birth rates.

Furthermore, many reviewers have highlighted the author’s detailed insights into demographic trends as a major strength of the book. For example, Wattenberg’s analysis of the impact of declining birth rates on various sectors of society, such as the economy and healthcare systems, provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by this phenomenon. This in-depth exploration of demographic shifts adds a layer of complexity to the readers’ knowledge and encourages critical thinking about the future implications of the birth dearth.

Moreover, the diverse range of perspectives presented in the book has been praised by readers for offering a well-rounded view of the issue. By incorporating viewpoints from experts in demography, sociology, and economics, Wattenberg creates a holistic narrative that enables readers to consider the multifaceted nature of population decline. This approach not only enriches the reader’s understanding but also fosters a more nuanced discussion around the potential solutions and policy implications related to declining birth rates.


“The Birth Dearth” features a series of compelling images that not only add visual appeal to the book but also play a crucial role in elucidating the complex demographic concepts discussed by Ben J. Wattenberg. For instance, the main image on the cover, depicting a graph showcasing the decline in birth rates over the years, offers a striking visual representation of the central theme of the book. This graph effectively conveys the severity of the birth dearth issue, capturing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for the insightful analysis that follows.

Moreover, the additional images interspersed throughout the book further enrich the reader’s experience by offering comparative visuals of population statistics, historical demographic trends, and projections for the future. For example, an image showing a side-by-side comparison of birth rates in different regions provides a clear illustration of the global variations in fertility rates, emphasizing the book’s exploration of demographic diversity and its implications. By incorporating these diverse visuals, “The Birth Dearth” not only educates readers on the complexities of population dynamics but also makes the data more accessible and engaging, fostering a deeper connection with the subject matter.


“The Birth Dearth” by Ben J. Wattenberg not only offers readers detailed insights into demographic trends but also delves into the intricate web of factors contributing to the decline in birth rates. For instance, Wattenberg explores how societal shifts, such as women entering the workforce in larger numbers and changing cultural norms around family size, have impacted birth rates in modern times. By providing specific examples and historical context, the book allows readers to grasp the complexities of this global issue more thoroughly.

Moreover, the well-researched analysis presented in the book not only sheds light on the current state of population decline but also offers valuable predictions for the future. Through meticulous data examination and expert interpretation, Wattenberg equips readers with the knowledge to understand the potential implications of declining birth rates on various aspects of society, such as the economy, healthcare systems, and social structures. This foresight adds a layer of depth to the book, making it a compelling read for those interested in understanding the broader consequences of demographic shifts.


Despite its valuable content, “The Birth Dearth” may face criticism for its high price point and limited availability. The book’s price may deter budget-conscious readers or students who are looking for more affordable options. Furthermore, the limited availability can make it challenging for some individuals to access a copy promptly, especially if they prefer to purchase books from local stores rather than online platforms like Amazon.

Moreover, while “The Birth Dearth” offers detailed insights into demographic trends, the publication date in 1987 might lead some readers to question its relevance in today’s rapidly changing world. For instance, the book may lack examination of more recent data or events that have shaped population dynamics globally. This potential perception of being outdated could be a drawback for readers seeking the most up-to-date analyses and information on the topic of population decline.

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